Monday, February 4, 2013


It's quite a change, to go from a whole to pieces within a matter of seconds. One deep breath and your mind is pulled from underneath you as you fall into an abyss of infinite vibration. Thoughts are independent from each other as limbs of existence sprawl out in all directions revealing the cycle for which we come to know as life.

Off limits are truly understanding however as comfort is a far from a domestic concept. Unfamiliar images fill your train of thought as you begin to doubt your prior existence as an ego possessing human being with physical ties to a real solid world with rules and consequences. 

A cold acceptance of has and always will be replaces memories of warmth and belonging as you struggle to contemplate where exactly this "you" that has never existed fits into all this madness and if its was really just a dream that time was of the essence.
A subtle familiarity however clings to the axle of this conscious wheel throughout, as it slightly pokes fun of your inability to comprehend this realm, giving you clues as it toys with thoughts of childhood bliss and maternal necessity. She never speaks to you directly but instead points you away from distractions and towards the meaning of it all as you get closer and closer.

But you can never look, because it is your own eyes that have been truly deceiving you this whole time. Soon enough, the comfort is back, and the grip is tight, but the hold onto the ego is loosened as you realize its ALL in your mind.