Thursday, May 15, 2014

Win $1000 For Recording Your Party

No seriously, are you a big time party-er and in need of some extra cash? Well show the world that you are indeed the life of the party!

Make a 1 minute or less video of you and your friends partying hard to A.Tone’s single “You Party” and post it as a response to this video on the YouTube.
The entrant with the best video will receive $1000 cash prize to their PayPal, and the second place $500.
Remaining top entries will be featured in the official video for “You Party” for chance at national exposure.

Videos will be judged mainly on quality and excitement, along with views and likes. All entries will be considered equally. Any type of party is allowed as well, clubs, house parties, backyards, be creative...

To submit your name for consideration you must email with:
(a): Your name(s) and age
(b): PayPal email address
(c): Link to published video
(c): Screen cap proof of .99 cent single purchase of “You Party”

(d): Subject line: YOU PARTY SUBMISSION

Here are the purchase links:

1.       Must be 18 or older to participate
2.       High quality submissions are highly recommended
3.       All submissions must be in prior to July 1st, 2014
4.       If necessary amounts of revenue are not acquired through submissions, prize amounts are subject to change or being voided completely (so spread the word)

Get partying ya'll

Monday, May 12, 2014

Are You a Freak?

A very unusual and unexpected type of person who goes above and beyond to attain their personal satisfaction?

No inhibitions are necessary when you are in the company of one you can trust and be completely honest with.

The restriction we place on one another are often built up through expectations of what will and wont be reciprocated, but its important to never for get to come as you are.

Be who you be, live as you live and listen to and buy my new single...

Buy on iTunes:

Monday, April 28, 2014

Singles You May Have Missed

I have been all over the place not just recently, but always... So in the time that I am creating and distributing new music, I often forget to do simple things like put the songs out.


Here are some cover arts for singles that have come out in the past year or so that you may or may not have heard.


Some of these ended up with a video, others didnt, maybe someday the will as well.

Either Way, You should check em out



Monday, February 3, 2014

Don't Get Stuck Hippies (New Song)

Got a new song on deck detailing my disdain for those who think about thoughts and generally get lost in the details of the superfluous and mundane.

Its not that I hate hippies or anything, hell I might even come off as one to most people, but I do dislike complacency and satanism, the latter particular or maybe i'm just not a happy love everyone kind of person.

At any rate, enjoy that. This one is a standalone, may or may not appear on the Change EP in the future.

Or she'll enjoy it for you

Download though from my soundcloud for the free below!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Origin of Restrepo

The Restrepo name is shared by many around the world particularly dense in regions where Spanish is the primary language such as Columbia, Spain, and several other Central American countries.

A name that seldom goes un-mispronounced by United Statians, has long been one of nobility, political power and in more recent times even garnered a motion picture detailing the final days of a brave American soldier who tragically lost his life to the Afghanistan war.

But, what does it mean? Where is it from? What is the common link that connects all of us scattered Restrepo's into one unified and proud being?

Well lets take a trip in the way back machine to the later portion of the Roman Empire when Latin was going out of fashion and a more colloquial form of the language referred to as Vulgar Latin (first recognized around the 8th century) was catching on among citizens and taking on a life of its own.

Asturias a region in Northern Spain, known in history as the grounds of the beginning of the end for The Moors who would soon be defeated ending a 700 year rule of the region and the threat of a potentially Islamic Europe, was also the humble birth place of our storied namesake.

Serving for a short period as a sanctuary for Christians during times of Islamic persecution, a kingdom was erected in the area and soon transformed into a community tucked off deep in unreachable mountains and unconcerned about attacks from con-questing foes.

As populations were able to settle and flourish, several groups would come to associate themselves with useful titles pertaining to their areas of expertise. One group in particular, known for its immense skills in cultivation, took to a town and named it Restrepo, which roots from Latin Vulgar word restrepar; meaning to cultivate.

So there you have it, we started from humble farm people and made it all the way to the tops of the food chains, or at least somewhere around there... 

If you are a Restrepo, now you know why!!!

[ item image ]
Drink To That

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Truth About Christmas

So today is a great day our lord and savior Jesus Christ official birth date and a day of giving, kindness and family. Right? Love, the holiday spirit, Jesus!

I mean it's perfect, only the one and only Yeshua could command a holiday with such positive connotations all for himself, well he does have to share it with that Santa guy, but thats just a little friendly competition...

Presents, fiery trees, a little mistletoe stepping with your unsuspecting crush. Have you ever wondered whats made us pick these particular activities to represent our loyalty to the namesake of our whole religion? Well it turns out the origins aren't so innocent

Just so happens that this Christmas thing isn't even Christian at all, but instead a Roman holiday once called "Saturnalia" in which the citizens where offered nine action packed days of sin and lust where no laws where to be enforced, culminating on the 25th day of December

In these events, naked groups of singing men would march through the streets kicking in doors at random and proceeding to rape and sodomize innocent woman and children without consequence. A finale to the event per group would be to find a victim of whom a sacrifice could restore purity to their beings.

Now you may be thinking, "oh thats ancient, we are so far removed from that, its irrelevant" but then you'd be shocked as me to find out that as recent as the late 1800's, this day was used specifically as one for damnation for Jewish citizens and once even left 12 men dead, several more maimed, raped along with millions in property damage.

For about 400 years, legislation used our Christmas as a day to shame Jews ranging from holding naked races through the city on full stomachs to dressing rabbis in clown suits and encouraging the use of projectiles.

So how in the world did our holy savior get involved in such sanctioned debauchery? Well the truth is, the greed of the then youthful Christianity allowed for it to make some deals which probably wouldnt have been approved by the displaced founder of the group. In other words, much like how Paul switched Yeshua to the more Roman Jesus and added the Christos part for flavor, Christian leaders hoped an easy transition of an already massively popular holiday would increase their attendance immensely, hence the name change.

What about the pretty tree, the mistle toe, Santa Clause? Well pagans are known to be nature worshippers and wouldnt think twice about idolizing a nice friendly tree with golds and fine fabrics, and they certainly didnt want to forget just how sexy their holiday once was. ol' St. Nick? How about Jew hating megalomaniac who was more or less responsible for getting a good portion of W. Europe to consider Jews devils through indoctrination... 

And what about Jesus, if not the 25th then when? Well, many smart people have made very educated guesses and while none ever pinpointed the exact date ball park is during fall or winter some saying March some November, but the most definitive and based on proof is the date of September 11, 3BCE.

While no one can every really know what was going on 2000 years ago with any real certainty, one can walk away knowing these two things for sure. 

1. Jesus was not born on 0. 
2. And Christmas is not "his" holiday

Sunday, December 22, 2013

New Album: Come Fly With Me

Hey ya'll I am back with what is looking like my last and final project as A.Tone Da Priest, bout to move on to bigger and better things as myself, Marco Restrepo. Wanted to make it "more about the music" but that's a whole other story...

The album, Come Fly With Me, produced by Bennett Rudder a good friend of mine who brought an electric feel to the table. A lot of melodic stuff for the teeny boppers and some thinkers for my grown folks

17 tracks of unadulterated rhythm & truths

Buy on iTunes: